Author Guidelines

Peer Review Process

Initially, contributions will be assessed by the editors for suitability of inclusion in the journal. Papers deemed suitable are typically reviewed by two or more independent reviewers - however, the minimum is one independent reviewer. Authors are required to suggest at least three reviewers of their work and likewise can rule out max. two reviewers they might think unsuitable. Editors are free to follow these suggestions or to invite other reviewers they deem more suitable. The journal conducts a double blind review process. Thus, anonymization of manuscripts is required. See our Peer Review page for further information.

Submission Components

First-time submissions includes:

  1. a cover letter,
  2. the main article text, including figures and tables (PDF),
  3. supplementary materials (if available).

If a manuscript is accepted for publication you are requested to provide:

  1. The main article text, deanonymized and including all revisions in an editable file format. Accepted file formats are MS Word (.doc or .docx) and LaTeX.
  2. Every figure as a separate, high-resolution (300 ppi), print-ready image file. Maximum file size: 8 MB each. File format: PNG, SVG, EPS, TIFF, editable charts from MS Excel or MS Word.

Cover letter

The cover letter (uploaded as a separate supplementary file) includes:

  1. Authors' name(s)
  2. Affiliation (for each author): Institution, City, Country
  3. Corresponding author's contact address: full postal and email address
  4. Biographical statement (one paragraph, max. 50 words) for each author
  5. Acknowledgement (if applicable): Any significant, non-financial support from other persons or organisations should be acknowledged.
  6. Funding/financial disclosure (if applicable): All sources of funding should be declared.
  7. Competing interests (if applicable): Financial and personal relationships of any author with other people or organisations that could inappropriately influence the work should be declared.
  8. Reviewer suggestions: At least three suggested reviewers of the submitted work.

Main article text (anonymized)

The main text includes:

  1. Running head: short title (one line), no more than 50 characters including spaces
  2. Title
  3. Abstract and keywords: A one-paragraph abstract of no more than 150 words, and between 4 and 7 keywords or brief phrases separated by commas to appropriately define the subject
  4. Main article body
  5. Tables are inserted in-text in their normal position and not at the end of the document (unless they are considered as appendices).
  6. Figures: Embed screen-optimized, low-resolution versions of your figures into the main body of your article. (Note: For accepted articles all figures have to be supplied as separate, high-resolution, print-ready files.)
  7. References: APA style (7th Edition). Particular care should be taken to ensure that references are accurate and complete. Authors bear responsibility for the accuracy of all references and quotations. References should be listed in alphabetical order. Each listed reference should be cited in text, and each text citation should be listed in the References. Basic formats are as follows:
    • Johnson-Laird, P. N., Girotto, V., & Legrenzi, P. (2004). Reasoning from inconsistency to consistency. Psychological Review, 111, 640-661.
    • Thagard, P. (2000). Coherence in thought and action. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    • Kenny, D. A., & Zautra, A. (2001). Trait-state models for longitudinal data. In L. M. Collins & A. G. Sayer (Eds.), New methods for the analysis of change (pp. 243-263). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  8. Appendices (if any): Appendix A, Appendix B, etc

Electronic Supplementary Materials (EMS)

Authors may submit study data, analysis scripts, and other study materials for manuscripts that involve new data as Electronic Supplementary Materials (ESM). The Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM) is not included in the word count. In general, ESM contains additional items that are not essential for inclusion in the full text but would nevertheless benefit the reader (e.g., raw data sets).

ESM will be published at the PsychArchives repository. PsychArchives is a disciplinary repository for psychology, provided by Leibniz  Institute for Psychology  Information (ZPID). All ESM will be published under a CC-BY license, meaning that authors grant others permission to use the ESM in whole or in part provided that the original work is properly cited. (Please check that no copyrighted material is included unless that material has also been made available under a CC-BY license. For more details see Supplementary Material Guidelines.)

ESM will be published online as received from the author(s) without any conversion, testing, or reformatting. They will not be checked for typographical errors or functionality. The responsibility for the content and functionality remains entirely with the author(s).

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